Name : Kaguya Kimimaro
Age : 15
Rank : Genin
Height : 166 cm
Weight : 49 kg
Birthday : August 21
Blood Type : A
Affiliation : Orochimaru gang, Sound Five, Otogakure (Hidden Sound)
Seiyu : Toshiyuki Morikawa
Signature Ability : Shikotsumyaku (Dead Bone Pulse), Tsubaki no Mai (Dance of the Camellia), Tessenka no Mai: Hana (Dance of the Clematis: Flower), Tessenka no Mai: Tsuru (Dance of the Clematis: Vine), Karamatsu no Mai (Dance of the Larch), Yanagi no Mai (Dance of the Willow), Sawarabi no Mai (Dance of the Seedling Fern), Teshi Sendan (Finger Bullet Drill)
Kaguya Kimimaro is the fifth member of the Sound Four, hence, changing their group name to the Sound Five. The latter being forced to accept him, Kimimaro's combat abilities are vastly superior to defeat all four of them altogether easily, as it was shown in the anime. He is the sole survivor of the Kaguya Clan (Kaguya Ichizoku), the clan who can manipulate their bodies' skeletal frame. The Kaguya clan was wiped out when they attacked the Hidden Mist Village and were slaughtered. Kimimaro was the most powerful member of this clan, so he was locked away in a steel cage for most of his life, released only to fight other clans. He retreated from the fight with the Mist Village which is why he is the only survivor. He is well suited for close combat fighting and distance fighting. Since he can regenerate and make new bones, he has an endless supply of bones he can use against his opponent. Kimimaro's only weakness is the sickness that he constantly suffers from, possibly Tuberculosis because of his bloody coughing. The sickness seems to have been recently developed, as he was once a prime candidate for Orochimaru's next host. He has a strong devotion towards , as Orochimaru was the only person to care for and inspire him. His dances included the Yanagi no Mai (Dance of the Willow), a dance using spikes of bone projecting from the palms, elbows, and knees, and the Karamatsu no Mai (Dance of the Larch), which involved sprouting a great number of bone "horns" from across his body and spinning at high speed. When in Cursed Seal level 2 form, his appearance is similar to that of a dinosaur, with dark grey skin and a long bony tail, while remaining bipedal.

Kimimaro died in his fight with and . While he was evidently more powerful than Gaara, who appeared as a result of renewed relations between Sunagakure (Hidden Sand) and Konohagakure (Hidden Leaf), he succumbed to his illness just before finishing off Gaara in a surprise attack. Gaara came to the conclusion after the fight that no one can defeat loneliness, even if it means to care for an evil person like Orochimaru.
Kimimaro is much like Haku in many ways, even to the point that young Haku says that he had the same eyes when they once met during childhood in the anime. It is evident that he is a bit older than Haku.
While belonging to a clan that loves killing, murder, and slaughtering - being the most powerful of this clan; Kimimaro is not truly violent because he never really knew the outside world, and thus, he does not know why he really fights (until he meets Orochimaru). He always wondered what really was accomplished through the fighting he knew. It may be the reason why he retreated from the final battle of his war-loving clan and The Hidden Mist Village. Somewhat like Uchiha Itachi, Kimimaro does not show much of any emotion; such as his last few moments in the fight against Gaara, which may indicate there is somewhat of a connection between the two (in personality).